Crowne Plaza Dublin Blanchardstown

Sustainability Policy (2024-2026)


Our Commitment

At Crowne Plaza Dublin Blanchardstown, we are dedicated to becoming a sustainable tourism destination that meets the needs of our guests, property, and the environment. We see sustainability as a journey of continuous improvement and are committed to achieving our ambitious goals and targets. Our focus is on providing guests with sustainable alternatives to protect the environment while enhancing their experience.


Our Goals

At Crowne Plaza Dublin Blanchardstown, sustainability is at the heart of our commitment to delivering exceptional guest experiences while preserving the environment for future generations. Our primary objective is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, underscoring our dedication to significantly reducing our carbon footprint. To support this ambitious goal, we are accelerating our transition to 100% renewable energy by 2027 and implementing a zero-waste-to-landfill policy by the end of 2026. These initiatives not only align with our sustainability mission but also position us as leaders in eco-friendly hospitality.
In addition to these efforts, we are proud to announce our plans to establish an urban garden by 2025, enhancing local biodiversity and providing a tranquil green space for our guests and community alike. By 2026, we will integrate sustainable water management practices to ensure efficient usage and conservation across our operations, reflecting our commitment to responsible resource stewardship.
Recognising the urgency of reducing plastic waste, we have already implemented a comprehensive zero single-use plastic policy throughout our premises. Moreover, we are steadfast in our journey towards achieving 100% paperless operations, with our Human Resources and Kitchen departments already fully transitioned and our Bar making significant strides towards this goal.
At Crowne Plaza Dublin Blanchardstown, sustainability isn't just a practice—it's a promise. By adhering to Sustainable Tourism Network guidelines and pursuing their rigorous certification, we ensure that every aspect of our operations meets the highest standards of environmental responsibility. Join us on this transformative journey towards a greener future, where luxury meets sustainability in perfect harmony.


Why We Do It

We aim to lead in sustainability and set a benchmark for others in Ireland. By making a significant positive impact on the environment, we reduce our carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. We want to inspire other businesses to adopt similar practices, fostering a broader culture of environmental responsibility. Meeting increasing guest demand for eco-friendly accommodations enhances our competitive edge and reputation, and contributes to global sustainability goals, supporting the well-being of future generations.


How We Achieve Our Goals

We are proactive energy management is a cornerstone of our sustainability strategy. Over the next three years, we aim to achieve a significant 20% reduction in energy consumption through state-of-the-art HVAC systems, energy-efficient LED lighting, and optimized appliances. Regular energy audits and comprehensive training programs will ensure ongoing efficiency improvements across our operations.

Simultaneously, our commitment to water conservation is equally robust. Within two years, we will reduce water consumption by 30% through advanced low-flow fixtures, innovative greywater recycling systems, and smart metering technology for effective usage monitoring.
Over the next three years, we target a 50% reduction in waste production, driven by expanded composting and recycling programs, and strategic partnerships with suppliers to minimise packaging waste. These initiatives not only reduce our environmental impact but also set new standards for sustainable hospitality in Dublin.

At Crowne Plaza Dublin Blanchardstown, sustainability isn't just a goal—it's a commitment to innovation and responsible practices. Join us on our journey towards a greener future, where luxury meets environmental stewardship seamlessly.


Supporting Biodiversity

We are committed to supporting local biodiversity by developing an urban garden by 2025 and partnering with conservation organizations to protect local ecosystems. This initiative will enhance local biodiversity and create a sustainable environment.


Ethical Purchasing

Our goal is to ensure 100% of our purchases are ethical and sustainable within three years, prioritising sourcing Irish products and supporting local suppliers. This supports fair trade, reduces environmental impact, and bolsters the local economy.


Carbon Management

We aim to achieve a 50% reduction in our carbon footprint within five years and become carbon neutral by 2030. This will be achieved through energy efficiency improvements, transitioning to renewable energy sources, enhancing waste management practices, promoting sustainable transportation options, and offsetting remaining emissions through verified carbon offset projects.


Responsible Sustainability Marketing

We ensure 100% transparency in all our sustainability communications. By publishing detailed annual sustainability reports with third-party verification, we build trust with our stakeholders and avoid greenwashing.


Stakeholder Engagement

Fostering a culture of sustainability among all stakeholders is crucial. We regularly engage with stakeholders through surveys, meetings, and collaborative projects, and encourage guests to participate in our sustainability programs and initiatives.


Corporate Social Responsibility

We aim to increase community investment and support by 50% over the next three years. This includes expanding partnerships with local charities and social enterprises, volunteering through initiatives like “Feed the Homeless” and local nursing homes and participating in Random Acts of Kindness Days to support various community projects.


Further Guiding Principles

We are committed to leading the industry in human rights, anti-bribery, Fairtrade practices, and ethical business conduct. Our robust policies on tax evasion prevention, human rights protection, and corruption and anti-bribery measures ensure we uphold the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and responsibility.


Meetings for Good

We are dedicated to making our meetings and events as sustainable as possible. Our commitment begins with digital communication and contracting, encompassing both agreements and marketing collateral. This approach significantly reduces paper waste and streamlines our processes.
We have adopted a zero-single-use plastic policy wherever feasible in all conference facilities. This initiative includes the use of refillable glass water bottles and glasses in every meeting, eliminating the need for disposable plastic bottles. Additionally, we have replaced wooden stirrers with spoons for all comfort breaks and lunches, further reducing waste.

To promote sustainability, we encourage the use of reusable cups instead of takeaway cups. However, when takeaway cups are necessary, we provide compostable cups and lids. Our commitment to energy efficiency is reflected in our practice of turning off all lights until a meeting room is in use and during lunch and comfort breaks. Moreover, projectors are equipped with standby timers to ensure power savings when not in use for extended periods.
We take pride in offering locally sourced ingredients in our lunches and comfort breaks, supporting local suppliers and reducing our carbon footprint. Furthermore, we have transitioned to digital signage exclusively, eliminating paper signage throughout the venue.

In line with our Food Waste Prevention Policy, we have implemented single daily catering menus for breaks and lunch. This practice ensures consistency, reduces food waste, and includes vegan and vegetarian options to cater to diverse dietary preferences.

Join us where your meetings and events not only succeed but also contribute to a more sustainable future.

IHG Green Engage 2.0

We’ve officially launched IHG Green Engage 2.0 to support hotels in tracking, measuring, monitoring, and managing their sustainability performance. Since 2008, the Green Engage system has provided our hotels with a way to track and measure important environmental data such as energy, waste, and water consumption, which can help strengthen a hotel’s commercial value and attract sustainability-focused travellers, something guests are becoming more interested in over time. Hotels are required to use the system to meet the IHG brand standard to report utility usage and cost data, and it’s a key platform to support the progress of our Journey to Tomorrow commitments.

Listening to feedback from our hotel teams and owners, and incorporating new technology and features, we’ve introduced IHG Green Engage 2.0 to support our hotels into the future. The upgraded platform will support hotels to become more sustainable and allows us to continue making improvements that help tackle carbon emissions, reduce waste, and more.


Implementation Timeline

Year 1:

  • Conduct baseline assessments for energy, water, waste, and carbon footprint
  • Initiate training programs for staff on sustainability practices
  • Establish the “Sustainable Team Leaders” to spearhead initiatives

Year 2:

  • Achieve initial reduction targets for energy and water consumption
  • Introduce comprehensive waste management and composting programs
  • Partner with local conservation organisations for biodiversity projects

Year 3:

  • Obtain sustainability certifications from the Sustainable Tourism Network
  • Achieve significant milestones in waste reduction and ethical purchasing
  • Enhance stakeholder engagement through regular updates and collaborative projects

Years 4-5:

  • Strive towards our carbon neutrality and zero-waste goals
  • Regularly review and adjust targets based on progress and new opportunities
  • Publish annual sustainability reports with third-party verification


Continuous Improvement

At Crowne Plaza Blanchardstown, we are committed to continuously evaluating and refining our operations to enhance efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and improve guest experiences. By embracing ongoing development, we aim to advance our sustainability goals and adapt to new challenges and opportunities. For more information, please contact us or visit us at Crowne Plaza Dublin Blanchardstown.

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